For whom
You are for example
A business in the tourism sector
- needing to effectively improve service quality in your house
- wishing to appear attractive to potential future members of staff and apprentices
- searching for unique marketing instruments
A public administration on local or regional level
- in need of a cultural development concept that values traditions whilst being fresh and contemporary at the same time
- wanting to create a new and unique event or festival with cult character
- aiming at the involvement of regional artists in local economic processes and tourism development.
A regional action group like LEADER, Agenda 21 ecc.
- wishing to implement a decision making process with the participation of widely-spread groups of stakeholders and civil society
- planning to support the certification of sustainably managed toursim businesses.
A tourism association or direction
- searching for innovative solutions for off-season development and addressing of new target groups
- who wishes to train their tourist guides as “merchants of experiences”.
An educational institution
- searching for creative and effective motivation training modules and personal development for employees in the tourism sector.
A cultural organisation, association, or an artist
- needing to find ways to operate in greater independance from public subsidies, yet remaining faithful to your values that don´t coincide with the logics of the market.