From 7 – 9 June, on Crete, Greece, the conference “Animation of rural development – a new profession?” took place. The conference was organised as part of a European project aimed at the development of a new masters programme for rural animators.
Katharina Trabert from smARTourism participated and contributed with a reflection on unconventional professional profiles with an artistic background in regional development processes. The case study she used was the ArtePollino project, which realised monumental contemporary artworks in a National Park in southern Italy in order to innovate the image of the region.
On the conference website you can find the rich and interesting programme and abstracts of the speakers.
The first Rossini Week on the German Blatic Sea is over and we are very tired!
It has been a great, challenging and enrichening experience. The evaluation is positive, but there is also much to learn from this first step. Within the next weeks we hope to sit down with the tourism and culture responsibles of the region and plan for the future.