smARTourism is the younges branch of the ACTA, an italian tourism and planning agency founded in 1993. Click here if you would like to read  smARTourism´s short presentation.

smARTourism´s work is based on the following general assumtions:

  1.  Most destinations and especially rural ones have an off-season whose over-night stays should be increased.
  2. The majority of tourism businesses, especially in rural destinations, have difficulties in finding and maintaining staff.
  3. Even in well-developed destinations, service quality often isn´t at ist best – yet it is a fundamental criteria for destinations competitiveness.
  4. Due to continuous cuts on budgets, cultural organisations are needing to align their activities increasingly with the logics of the market, yet sticking at the same time to their values.
  5. Public subsidies for immaterial actions in culture and tourism often don´t lead to the expected results.

We work with you in order to

  • increase overnight stays in the off-season
  • create a creative and attractive image for you business or destination
  • develop reliable and motivated staff and apprentices
  • guarantee customer satisfaction and attract new target groups
  • plan your culture project and fundraise successfully
  • reach better results for public investments.

We offer you taylored and practice-orientated cooperation in the fileds of:


  • Creative marketing strategies (customer-orientated) and corporate branding (staff-oriented)

Concept- und product development

  • Off-season product development
  • Cultural development and unique event concepts
  • Facilitation of participative planning processes
  • Development of cultural itineraries

Training and Assistance

  • Staff motivation trainings through creative team building
  • Improvement of service quality through theatre training
  • Increased institutionale capacity and efficiency through strategic team building and assistance
  • Training of tourist guides as “merchant of experiences” through theatre and interpretation modules.


We confront the issue you bring to us with the collective intelligence and creativity of our multidisciplinary team. Like this we engage to find the ideal solution for you.

In the implementation process we cooperate, depending on your specific concerns, with the creative potential of our artists network.

The principles of sustainability and participation are the basics of all our actions.

In the rarest case we do the work for you. Neither we leave you standing in the rain with a concept on some sheets of paper. We assist you and your staff in the definition and implementation of solutions. Like this we improve the staff´s identification and sense of responsibility with your business and ist challanges.

This is the foundation for a sustainable impact of your investiment in smARTourism.



You are for example

A business in the tourism sector

  • needing to effectively improve service quality in your house
  • wishing to appear attractive to potential future members of staff and apprentices
  • searching for unique marketing instruments

A public administration on local or regional level

  • in need of a cultural development concept that values traditions whilst being fresh and contemporary at the same time
  • wanting to create a new and unique event or festival with cult character
  • aiming at the involvement of regional artists in local economic processes and tourism development.

A regional action group like LEADER, Agenda 21 ecc.

  • wishing to implement a decision making process with the participation of widely-spread groups of stakeholders and civil society
  • planning to support the certification of sustainably managed toursim businesses.

A tourism association or direction

  • searching for innovative solutions for off-season development and addressing of new target groups
  • who wishes to train their tourist guides as “merchants of experiences”.

An educational institution

  • searching for creative and effective motivation training modules and personal development for employees in the tourism sector.

A cultural organisation, association, or an artist

  • needing to find ways to operate in greater independance from public subsidies, yet remaining faithful to your values that don´t coincide with the logics of the market. 


Our Team consists of experts with many years of international experience in the files of

  • Art & culture(Katharina Trabert, artist, cultural manager and regional developper)
  • Tourism & hotel business (Kristin Poppinga, hotel director)
  • ICT und digital media (Patrizia Pappalardo, Go-by-guide)
  • Economy and Business Startups (Sabine Holfeld) 
  • EU policies (Lorenzo Canova, Professor of regional development and sociology of tourism at the University of Bergamo)
  • Eco-Certification and quality labels (Dagmar Diwok, Eco-Label Certification)
  • Tourism planning, destination Management & sustainable planning (Francesca Conti, president ACTA, architect and planner, Antonio Pezzano, Manager European Destinations of Excellence)
  • Creativity (international artist network)


Creative thinking and action is the precondition for innovation. This is even more true in times of global challenges as the ones we are confronting today. We work in the conviction that all domains of society need a cultural dimension in which the uman being and immaterial values represent the starting point for all action. Referring to the principles of sustainable development, we believe that sustainable economic development cannot happen if social and ecological factors are neglected. Many years of experience in regional- and tourism development made us aware that creativity at work and a cultural orientation make the work more interesting and enjoyable. But they also contribute fundamentally to better outputs and as such, increased economy.